Chapter 4: Creating inbound rules in Windows Firewall

Now that we've created your site in IIS7, configured DNS, and created an FTP user, we'll need to make a couple of adjustments in Windows Firewall so you don't run into any firewall restrictions when trying to connect to your server via FTP, or even when sending or receiving email.

1. To access Windows Firewall, click the Windows Start button, then go to Server Manger.

2. Click Go to Windows Firewall.

3. Scroll down, then click Inbound Rules.

4. Under "Actions," click New Rule.

5. The first thing we're going to do is make sure Windows Firewall doesn't block connections with your FTP server. On the first step of the wizard, click Program for the type of rule you'd like to make.

6. On the next step, choose This program path:, then click Browse.

7. Double-click SYSTEM (C:).

8. Double-click Program Files (x86).

9. Double-click the FileZilla Server folder.

10. Click FileZilla server, then click Open.

10. You'll now see the program path set to "...\FileZilla server.exe". Click Next.

11. Click Allow the connection, then click Next.

12. There are three levels to your Windows Firewall, here you will need to select which of the three profiles this rule will apply to. If you would like the FTP user to have access at any location, select all three, then click Next.

13. Name this rule, then click Finish.

14. You'll now see your rule listed with the other Inbound Rules.

15. Since we're here, let's go ahead and create a rule to allow email access. If you will not be hosting email on your server, you can skip the remaining steps. Under "Actions," click New Rule.

16. For rule type, select Port this time, then click Next.

17. Select Specific local ports:, then enter 25 in the field. Then click Next.

18. Select Allow the connection, then click Next.

19. Select the Firewall profiles you wish to apply this rule to. Click Next.

20. Name the rule. We recommend naming it SMTP since port 25 is most commonly used for email. Click Finish.

21. You'll now see both new rules listed as Inbound Rules.


In the next chapter, we'll test out your FTP connection to be sure the new inbound Firewall rule works correctly and gives your FTP user access to the server.

Next >> Chapter 5: Testing FTP