Configuring WebsitePanel

Now that we've installed WebsitePanel, Stats, Mail, and set up your initial DNS, it’s now time to configure each of your services within WebSitePanel.


  • 1 FTP Server
  • 1 Mail Server
  • 1 Analytics Server
  • 8 Corn Tortillas
1. Log into the WebsitePanel portal, which can be accessed by visiting the IP address you used when setting up WebsitePanel in chapter 2, via port 9001. For example: Enter “serveradmin” (without quotations) as your username and the password you set up in chapter 2, then click “Sign In.” Step 1
2. Once logged in, go to Configuration > IP Addresses. Step 2
3. On the IP Addresses page, click “Add IP Address.” Step 3
4. On the “Server“ dropdown option, select “My Server.” Step 4
5. From the installation you performed in chapter 2, Website panel already has your primary IP address listed. Now you will be providing your secondary IP address here (your server included 2 IP addresses). If you purchased additional blocks of IP addresses with your server, you will repeat this process for each of your IPs. Step 5
6. After adding your secondary IP address, you will now see both (or more, if you added more) of them listed. Step 6
7. Back on the top menu, go to Configuration > Servers. Step 7
8. Click “DNS” to configure your DNS within WebsitePanel. Step 8
9. WebsitePanel also already has your primary IP address listed for “Listening IP Addresses.“ Now we’ll want to add your newly entered secondary IP address(es) to this list. From the dropdown, select your secondary IP address. Step 9
10. Then click “Add.” Repeat this process if you have additional IP addresses. Step 10
11. For “SOA Responsible Person,“ enter your domain name after “postmaster.” For example, if your domain name is “,” this field would read as “” (without quotations). Also, change the primary and secondary name server fields to the name servers you set up in chapter 6. Step 11
12. Click “Update.” Now when you create a new website in WebsitePanel, its DNS will be set up with these settings. Step 12
13. Go back to Configuration > Servers. Step 13
14. Click “My Server.” Step 14
15. Click “Add” for FTP. Step 15
16. For “Service provider” select “FileZilla FTP Server.” Step 16
17. Then click “Add Service.” Step 17
18. Your FTP server is now configured in WebsitePanel. Next we’ll configure your mail server. Click “Servers” link to return to the Servers list page. Step 18
19. Again, click on “My Server.” Step 19
20. Click “Add” for Mail. Step 20
21. Select “SmarterMail 6.x” from the “Service Provider” dropdown. Step 21
22. Click “Add Service.” Step 22
23. For the “SmarterMail Web Services URL:” field, enter http://your-IP-address/services/, where “your-IP-address” is the IP address you used to set up SmarterMail in IIS in chapter 4. For example, if your IP is “,” you would enter:

For “Public IP Address,” select the same IP address from the dropdown.

For “Domains Root Folder,” leave as “%SYSTEMDRIVE%\SmarterMail\”.

For Admin Username and Password, provide the login and password you used when setting up the mail server in chapter 4.

Click the checkbox for “Import Domain Admin.”

Optionally, you can also select “Inherit Domain Default Limits” and “Enable Domain Administrators.”

Step 23
24. Below, under the DNS Records sub-section, you will need to change the IP address listed for your mail record if different than the IP address used in the step above. To make the edit, click the pencil icon. Step 24
25. From the dropdown, select the appropriate IP. Step 25
26. Then click “Save.” Step 26
27. Make any additional modifications to your mail DNS records that you see fit, then click “Update.” Step 27
28. Your mail server is now configured in WebsitePanel. Next we’ll configure your stats server. Click “Servers” link to return to the Servers list page. Step 28
29. Again, click on “My Server.” Step 29
30. Click “Add” for Statistics. Step 30
31. Select “SmarterStats 5.x” from the “Service Provider” dropdown. Step 31
32. Click “Add Service.” Step 32
33. For the “SmarterStats Web Services URL:” field, enter http://your-IP-address/services/, where “your-IP-address” is the IP address you used to set up SmarterStats in IIS in chapter 3. For example, if your IP is “,” you would enter:

For Admin Username and Password, provide the login and password you used when setting up the stats server in chapter 3.

Select the appropriate time zone from the dropdown.

Enter your stats server IP in the appropriate area for the “Statistics Help URL:” field.

Step 33
34. Click “Update.” Step 34
35. Your stats server is now configured in WebsitePanel. You are now done with the initial WebsitePanel configuration. In the next chapter we’ll go over how to create hosting plans and customer accounts.
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